marketing has created so much annoying noise that n.
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Stop Marketing!

Stop Marketing!

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Stop Marketing!

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  1. Marketing has created so much annoying noise that consumers and platforms are starting to sort out the mess and that means trouble for brands. 

  2. When you’re the only square on the page everyone notices you. Brought to you by

  3. If they believe they need what you’ve got to offer, they will buy from you.

  4. However, when that page is filled with other squares, you have a problem.

  5. You will need to be more innovative to get noticed; maybe you can become the only coloured square and although this is not as effective as being the only square, people are more likely to notice you and buy form you.

  6. But what if all the squares are coloured squares?

  7. You can become the only circle and if that space gets crowded the only bouncy circle and so on.

  8. This noisy mess is what our marketing landscape looks like to consumers.

  9. Paid advertisingis nose diving

  10. Imagine a tiny dot, in a sea of noise, is one of your Paid Ads. What are the chances that someone will notice it, click on the ad and buy your product?

  11. The average click through rate of display ads across all formats and placements is 0.06% (Source: Display Benchmarks Tool)

  12. 90% of respondents said they never made a purchase commitment after clicking on an ad (TechnologyAdvice and Unbounce).

  13. But, here’s the big problem: Ad Blocking :Ad blocking grew by 41% globally in 2015. (Source: PageFair)UK ad blocking grew by 82% to reach 12 million active users in 12 months up to June 2015There are now198 million active ad block users around the world. (Source: PageFair)Apple introduced ad-clocking to iOS

  14. Why do you need to start thinking about remarkable content? Because paid advertising is heading for big trouble.Unless you have a very specific, cost-efficient strategy and a broader strategy that relies on one-time customer purchases, paid ads is probably not a good idea.

  15. SEO has changed

  16. There are only 10 organic search slots available on page one of Google.

  17. PWhy is this important? Because the click though rates for the first four pages of Google are:Page 1 91.5%Page 2 4.8%Page 3 1.1%Page 4 0.4%

  18. So, here is a big truth about SEO: There is no point in optimising your content for search engines if it is not remarkable content.

  19. In a nutshell Google ranks content on the following basis: if you create remarkable content that others share, especially others with authority, it boosts your content’s authority and that is what Google notices and ranks.

  20. In a nutshell Google ranks content on the following basis: if you create remarkable content that others share, especially others with authority, it boosts your content’s authority - and that is the key factor in Google’s ranking algorythm.

  21. SEO is simply making sure your remarkable content is understood by the search enginies and uses the search queries that your preferred customers use.

  22. o, SEO won’t get you ranked – remarkable content with the right keywords will.

  23. Content Shock

  24. This brings us to our next reason for creating remarkable content: Mark Schaefer calls it Content Shock.

  25. This brings us to our next reason for creating remarkable content: Mark Schaefer calls it Content Shock.We create:31.25 million Facebook messages per minute347 222 tweets per minute300 hours of video uploaded per minute2 million blog posts pumped out every day

  26. The amount of content is predicted to increase by 500% over the next five years.

  27. Here’s the problem we’re facing: there is a physiological limit to how much content we can consume.

  28. Buzzsumo analysed of 1m articles in a research project with Moz and this is what they found:50% of randomly selected posts received 8 shares or less75% of these posts achieved zero referring domain links

  29. If it is unremarkable your content dies because there is no room for it

  30. Facebook chokes off organic reach

  31. You might have noticed a lot of chatter about Facebook choking off organic reach with an algorithm called EdgeRank

  32. On average only 2.6 % of people that have liked your Facebook page actually get to see your post. (March 2015 research from social analytics and reporting firm Locowise)

  33. Facebook is forcing brands to create remarkable content that is engaging, relevant and useful content (as it should) to their audience if they want to be seen.Facebook likes the following: Likes, Comments, Shares, Images, videos, Links...

  34. Additionally, you also need to pay to play (Facebook advertising allows you to be more targeted and strategic in growing your audience.

  35. The brands that win on social media have always understood that it takes time, money and resources to be successful.

  36. You can’t get away with cutting corners anymore. The platforms and consumers have finally caught up. 

  37. Remarkable content

  38. Before youstart on how to create remarkable content here are a few points to consider:You need to forget about being a marketer and think like a publisher.You need to think about creating an emotional benefit for the audience not a financial benefit for yourself – that latter will be a consequence of the former.It will take time, money and resources but it does not have to be prohibitively expensive – you just need to first take your time to come up with a great idea.

  39. Remarkable content is content that Connect, Engages and Moves

  40. or to put it in another way content that is seen, loved and shared

  41. What is needed:

  42. Your content has to have a clear, unambiguous persona, theme and approach that will resonate with your typical buyers

  43. It has to be content that is quick and easy to digest. Focus on:VideoInfographicsSlideShare PresentationsImagesAnd then underpin these with long-form blogs, case studies and whitepapers

  44. It has to be content that makes an emotional connection – either:An informative A-ha! A heart felt Haaa! An impressed Oh-wow! Or an entertaining Ha-ha!

  45. An analysis by Buzzsumo of the top 10 000 most shared articles across the web showed the most popular four emotions invoked were:awe (25%)laughter (17%)and amusement (15%)joy (14%)

  46. Make everything look good and professional

  47. Create descriptive, emotive, catchy headlines

  48. Create content that engages your audience so you can build relationships – the main focus of all you content should be to build an alpha audience – allies, not just followers.

  49. Create remarkable content regularly and consistently